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wow is soo Cool :D

Is gool




Hello, I got a desync report. I don't know how to report it but the game told me I should... so I did. 


Maybe afk detection is a good idea


this game sucks

Could there be a version for android?

it seems i can't EX nor super without macros for some reason, very sad

There's an option to enable the traditional input in the controls settings, it's set to only use macros by default because I find most beginner players prefer it that way, but you should be able to turn off those settings if you want!




good game :)


Game slaps hard, should be offical


anyone know how to get it to work on steamdeck? ive tried lutris and bottles but i think im too much of a linux noob to understand whats going wrong. It says its gonna open it the nothing happens.

(2 edits)

WAIT I GOT IT. lutris and bottles both dont seem to work right, but a basic install of wine can run it.


you don't need anything fancy... you just need to add it to the steam app as a non-steam game and make sure it's using one of steam's compatibility options under properties

thank you!


trash game


e wth



This game is a blast, and all those characters have some funny thing.

On execution it's right between Footsies and DBFZ, perfect to play with some casual friend !

(2 edits) (+3)(-1)


Along with a group of experts (my friends), we have tested the game for many hours. We consider ourselves experienced in VS (or fight games) and feel we are in a position to share our opinions.


- Considering that it is an arcade-based game, similar to Street Fighter, Dead or Alive, Mortal Kombat, and Marvel VS Capcom, it is very well adapted.

- The mechanics are well-developed, allowing fluid combos and a well-organized key system, friendly to both inexperienced and pro players.

- Good optimization with 0 glitches (as tested in local mode).

- It has a very intuitive, simple, and comfortable interface for navigation.

- It features a wide variety of characters and attacks.


- The hitbox for blocking has a margin of error when very close to some special attacks.

- The selection menu feels dull or monotonous and could be improved in the future. Although this might be understood considering it is based on the game Among Us, it could be more detailed, such as showing each character's abilities, improving the interface, and the assigned order. Organizing by color range could help color-blind people by adding names to them and visual details to the selection menu.

- Lack of accessory customization, though this is a personal preference.

- When using Super II, some characters of different colors can be confused under the flashing light, for example, Orange and Yellow.

- The game lacks an infinite time option, which can leave matches unresolved and may be frustrating for some players.

- The training mode does not have a direct exit option from character selection.


Pass: Good

404: Something is wrong with it


Red: Substantially and depending on the opponent and the character, it may be OP but generally, Pass.

Blue: We don't have a certain opinion about the character, apart from being good for combos. We only found a possible error or mechanic, where the opponent performs a linear shot, it ignores it. 404

Green: Shows inefficient combat ability due to little versatility in combination with attack combos, concluding in having only decorative ability. 404

Pink: Has an ability that we consider fun and versatile for combos. The character is good but falls behind compared to others that are extremely OP. Pass

Orange: We consider it a good character but difficult to perform combos with its ability. It varies depending on the situation. Normally, we couldn't exceed an 8-hit combo, but if the enemy is against the wall, combos of 11 hits or more can be performed. Overall, it's quite balanced. Pass

Yellow: Quite OP in terms of its normal attack but falls short in its special compared to the standard, with little damage. It's also complex to perform a combo with long attacks, and the combo does not exceed 6 hits in a normal environment. Pass

Black: Generally, the character is quite balanced, useful for combos. We believe it deserves a slight damage buff, but otherwise, it's very good. Pass

White: Quite simple to use, with decent range and damage. However, it has a single-hit mechanic that doesn't allow any combo, only useful for a final. It's good but somewhat annoying for the lack of combo potential compared to others. Pass

Purple: An incredible JOJOS reference, but as such, it's too OP. We believe the average damage should be nerfed, and more cooldown should be added to the stand. 404

Brown: Quite underpowered, might need a damage buff on the lasso as it doesn't seem very useful. The mechanic of attracting the opponent is good if you know how to combo. 404

Cyan: A character completely "a dance," too playful, seems very fun but the special attack damage doesn't usually exceed 550 using the 4 charges, which is quite low compared to the minimum of other characters. 404

Lime: Overall very good, could easily be one of the best characters in the game as it's perfectly balanced, versatile in combos, and not excessively OP like other characters. Pass

Tan: A character with a curious and very useful ability to block various attacks. However, the special is the same as the normal attack and deals the same damage, which is very little. 404

Rose: Extremely OP character, breaks the game as the dash causes a lot of damage, can be used in combos, is fast, hard to dodge, and lacks cooldown. It will win 80% of matches regardless of skill. Its only downside is that the special ability is somewhat useless. 404

Banana: A decent ability with little complexity, only needing a small damage buff. 404

Maroon: Quite strong and very good for combos. It's true that it's somewhat OP, but not as much as others, so it's manageable. A small nerf applying cooldown or reducing damage wouldn't be bad, but overall, it's quite decent. Pass

Gray: Overall quite good. There are some points to improve, such as paralyzing the enemy with the special attack, but it's good, especially with characters like Coral, as it is a great counter. Pass

Coral: A well-balanced and decent character whose main point is long-range damage. Pass

Olive: Extremely unbalanced character, deals too much damage with special attacks, and if controlled, is invincible. Highly unbalanced. 404

Mint: A well-balanced character, correct in relation to others. Pass

Chocolate: Quite a well-made character, but the homing bat is very OP, considering it can deal the same damage as the special attack. 404

Teal: Objectively good, with a fun mechanic when using charges. The fact that the charge can be progressively loaded is very good. It has good damage, is versatile, and above all, fun to use. Pass

Flame: Quite comfortable to use, its ascending attack is very compatible with potential combos, as is its special attack. Pass

Navy: Creates errors in the parry when grabbing an enemy and is practically impossible to dodge if you maintain a rhythm. 404

Gold: A well-strategic character, useful in terms of combo. Pass

Sky: Highly versatile character, very useful for combos, and can counter many other characters. Pass

Apricot: Very good in combo and mechanics, nothing to add, original character. Pass

Lavender: Versatile, fast, and fun to use, with original charge attack mechanics. Probably one of the best characters in the game. Maybe a small damage nerf wouldn't hurt. Pass

Undefined: Completely balanced, original, with potentially strong combos, and being the first secret character adds to its appeal. Pass

Charcoal: A very well-made character, fast, with a special ability like a super IV, really interesting. Pass

(NO NAMED CHARACTER): A very good character, but the normal attack that only charges very little of the bar is not convincing. Considering it, the damage of specials could be lowered, charges increased (so supers are not constantly used), and the normal attack made into a Dragon Ball-style charge. 404


1. Considered the most normal and used, a good option but not the preferred one.

2. Not useful in comparison.

3. NOT USEFUL AT ALL (repeats the Emergency Burst mechanic).

Thank you, we did this for the many hours of fun provided and our love for gaming.

ATT: With love, M.M, J.S, D.F, G.R

AN AMAZING WRITE-UP, perfect, no notes. 


quisiera saber cuales son los requisitos para corer el juego


Is an android version possible?

hey is there a debug mod cuz cpu is like impossable to beat with me so it's hard to beat so i want u to make a debug mod in this game cuz cpu is annoying and spaming


yes fr 💀

I dislike the arcade, all the characters in arcade kinda just spam their move. Other then that pretty good 7/1





(1 edit) (+2)

Gud gaem, me liek. Me and playr 2 say 7-8/10 👍

(1 edit) (-1)

where is the select button

and my cursor does not show


You have to use keyboard or a controller

the default controls are on the itch page!

Deleted 286 days ago

gurl relax, if you are so offended make it yourself and stop being an asshole

i closed the game once and now i can't launch it anymore it's just a grey screen

same here



The game's kinda dead..


If you join the discord there's people to play! Random matchmaking has been dead for a couple years though lol


I forgot discord existed😅 thanks for reminding me tho!


Also the game is just fire, like, this is a masterpiece, if someone said this game sucks id beat em up, life for real, this is a masterpiece

(1 edit)

Sometimes when playing local, the game will just crash for no reason when you try to slect rematch (Version 2.9.9-A) There is no pattern, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

hmm, i'll need to look into this. Thank you for letting me know!

of course!

It keeps telling me that is's forbidden

nvm I got a win11 pc and it's fixed now.

do 32 bit plez

sad that it’s not a viable on macbooks..

Crashes instantly


[ITA] Facile da giocare, difficile da giocare bene.
[ENG] Easy to play, hard to master

real ganster sh1t GGS to creator


i hate how this game is actually good


This game is amazing if you are reading this I recommend this. One thing is when I in the middle of playing the screen starts going black and I have to restart my PC could you fix that? Thank you for the great game


I believe the bug you are talking about happens sometimes when playing online and the game disconnects.

If it's what I'm thinking I've already got the fix ready for next patch, I'm just waiting to release it until after next weekend just in case any other bugs come up and I can fix a bunch of things at once!




Good game, I suck at it tho 10/10

(1 edit) (-8)

He forgot about mobile


I didn't forget about mobile, mobile would be a lot of work since it'd have to be notably different, basically it's own game. I'm not putting in the work for a mobile version, likely ever.

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