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I can;t believe how well this works! The mechanics are really good; like I didn't think I'd enjoy playing this as much as I did considering that I'm an avid fighting game player


Loved this game. Me and my brother had a blast! Sometimes randomly disconnected us but still had fun overall.


Glad you had fun! Sorry that online is kind of whack, I barely got it working in the first place but I think it's better than nothing!


All good man thanks for the experience!


I'm so addicted playing this game. But I have one issue, the game freezes and lags a lot. I hope you can fix this issue because this game has so much potential. 


I really love the game, but is there any way of optimizing it for laptops rn? I put it on the lowest resolution and it still stutters.

make a mac version


i cant play!ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!END.




omg i love this game pules a youtuber called h20 desirous is playing your game thats a big deal


this game is amazing, love it

how do you make a room match?

You and your friend both type in your room code in at the bottom!

Notes: You have to be using the same region's servers (at the top of the menu) as well as using the same version. US East is often overcrowded btw, you may have better luck trying other regions sometimes!

do you need the latest build to play online ?

Deleted 2 years ago

Technically no, but you can only play with people who have the same build as you so I'd recommend downloading the new build if you're trying to play online random matchmaking

i have a problem.. for some reason whenever i play the game it lags so much. i am on a windows 11 pc. and the core is i5.

if you know any way to fix this please tell me

(1 edit)

Try optimizing your PC. I recommend Razer Cortex

I have a laptop with an Intel/Nvidia CPU and GPU and it runs just fine, so I’m not sure

its not that computer...... my computer dosent have a giant box

when is rollback?


The game already has rollback

is this controller supported




Yes, but it’s highly recommended to use Steam’s controller support

tengo problemas de optimización, el juego simplemente se traba demasiado y es in-jugable
cuento unos humildes 4 gigabites de ram y graficas integradas intel
ayuda -,-


i like the game, but the AI could use some work because IT LITERALLY CHEATS. often times, i see myself getting beat out by things as weak as a poke when i was using a literal shoryuken, i felt the AI got a lot more super meter than i did since they used supers a lot despite getting absolutely destroyed, they used bursts the MOMENT i hit them, and they got counters despite getting hit after they flashed. the story mode would be fun since it lets you learn about different playstyles, but it doesn't account for certain specific playstyles and it also has, of course, cheating AI


So you're saying the AI is sus?


sounds like a skill issue lol



this is legitimately really fun serious props for actually putting this much effort in


This was so much fun, great job.

this is much better than it has any right to be, especially with Potem- i mean Olive my beloved

Alguien habla españo xd?

Как только запустил, показало серый экран, попытался ввключить через дистпетчер задач так как обвчным путём оно не выклбчалось, выключилось только с 5 попытки. Вроде ввключилось, все программы закрылись. Всключилась опять эта игра и бесконечный серый экран. Пришлось выключать пк через розетку. Не советую, фуфло ещё то (видеокарта GeForcе 1030, 5 гигов оперативной памяти) 

alta facha


I was honestly surprised, this is a smooth, well put together fighting game that just happens to be Amogus. Was an absolutely great time to play, would Booty Blast Imposters again!


Can you add neco arc

damn they gonna kill her ;-;


Maybe consider building a mobile version too with in-app purchases. You'll become more successful with such addictive gameplay


Why is this unironically one of my new favorite fighting games? It's just so GOOD, like chef's kiss, hats off, immaculately executed




This game is so dope! Who knew adding fighting to Among Us would make it so much fun! Great job! 




the ultiamte mong experience…


(1 edit) (+3)(-1)

This game is awesome!!!


ive been looking for this foreve

This game freezes a lot, at least for me. Took a bit to unfreeze after it booted up, then it was lagging a lot in training mode.


peak computer software




oh hell yeah, it' back

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